I would love to do some sort of Halloween appropriate list such as favorite Horror movies or favorite Halloween attractions; something along those lines, but the fact of the matter is I hate it all. Not that I'm in the least bit afraid of horror movies or haunted houses. I just haven't come across enough of them to find the ones that were enjoyable. It just isn't my season.
I think my favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving if it weren't for the whole family part of it. Family holidays just suck. And not in any way that my family sucks. Now that I've grown I've found that I actually have one of the most stable family units of anyone I know. The fact is that I'm terribly uncomfortable around any of my immediate family and large parts of my extended family. That's why you won't hear much of them in this blog. I don't know how it happened but I have very little in common with my own family. I think it was all the antagonism from my older brothers. Me being the youngest, I think they felt a necessity to 'tough me up'. I've never been one for toughness. That along with being the youngest son of a Pragmatist made things difficult for me. As a child I was always an idealist and an aesthete. The idealist in me has long died.
Anyhow, due to an article in this month's issue of GQ regarding a Thanksgiving tradition in which the writer always has all the guys over in the morning to nurse their hangovers with wine and clams before sending them back to their wives and families, and coupled with my lack of wanting to do family things, I now want to start my own Thanksgiving morning tradition for my friends and I. Mine would probably be more along the lines of a crepes bar and mimosas. I'm still working that part out along with gauging interest. I honestly think, though, it would be one of those things best left to a Thanksgiving morning mass text. Can't really plan ahead for anything the morning after Thanksgiving Eve.
As this entry has gotten well away from me (I don't even recall was I was originally going to write about) I'll leave it here. Anyone who reads this locally, which I believe is all of you, let me know what you think about Thanksgiving morning. I'll be more than happy to host this year.
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