17 April 2011

Hearbeat From Inside the Belly of the Whale

I've been pretty musically busy as of late, even if on my own which may be preferable.  I just submitted a new song for Band #2 which seems to be a final addition to the album if all goes well.  That one goes by the title of Drought Song.  I usually hate self-aware titles but the I think in this case it's fitting and better than the previous working title, Blessed Daughter.
I'd been "working" on that one all winter.  By that I mean I had the verse, chorus, and bridge melodies down musically and I'd been singing the chorus in my head for about 4 months.  That was when I was freaking out about global water shortages.  Now after I'd rewatched Steven King's The Stand and I'm now following that up with BBC's Survivors, I'm now freaking out about pandemics and super flus so I wrote a verse about that.  I laid down a scratch vocal and mailed it off to the rest of the band to do with what they please.

Anyhow, what I was intending to get around to was sharing this instrumental I put down last night on my iMac in garage band.  I've gotten off my ass and started putting down new demos this weekend since I really have nothing else to do.
I oftentimes have song titles before I have any music in mind which I think is why I have such a hard time getting anything done.  It's really hard to write a song to a title rather than naming a song after it's content. After about an hour of work and a wee bit of editing I have another title I can scratch off my list.  Just an instrumental at this point.  Probably going to stay that way.  I don't know if it's about Jonah as much as it is gestation.

And by the way, Survivors is a really good show.  It's on Netflix instant.  I just finished up the first season. Unfortunately they'd cancelled it after the second.  

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